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2017年11月4日 | ブログ記事

Japan Education 2.0 日本教育2.0 (English)

Why ?

Education system of Japan has been the same for a long time and tht time has come for that to change .

The Product (Android App)

"We need to gamify the current Education System " - Elon Musk

We are making game-based platform that makes learning awesome. Anyone can create games for any subject or topic - it’s simple and fun. Games or Quizes that can be made easily while someone is travelling to his workplace.

Here’s what you can do with the app:

Play and train classroom superpowers after school

Instead of pen and paper tasks, teachers can now assign homework as games. Our goal is to make homework awesome this way! You can also replay classroom Quizes for revision - practice makes perfect ;)

Join games hosted in a group

You can also join a live Quiz hosted in class or another group setting. The questions will appear on the shared screen, and you’ll have to use the phone as the controller to answer.

It’s not just the teachers and students who get all the fun! Anyone who enjoys a good quiz and is interested in learning along the way, can find and play a game on any topic.

Play, learn and have fun!

Github link of the Application Code : https://github.com/S-hil/androidApp



Sahil icon


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